Photoset #12429
12 photos
2x12 Beech Barnwood Joists
Photoset #12324
3 photos
new inventory
Photoset #11737
6 photos
Antique Oak Skip-Planed Flooring / Barnwood Brown Smooth Wall Paneling
Photoset #11612
2 photos
Barnwood Paneling - Las Vegas
Photoset #11614
6 photos
Barnwood Lumber - Gray and Brown
Photoset #11518
1 photos
Barnwood Lumber - Mixed Gray and Brown
Photoset #11446
5 photos
1 x 12 from Tunnel Material (For Approval)
Photoset #11387
34 photos
Antique Barnwood Brown Rough Ceiling and Board-and-Bat Siding, Hand-Hewn Mantel - (CO)
Photoset #11372
8 photos
Antique Gray Barnwood Siding with Brown Barnwood Trim - (CO)
Photoset #11363
4 photos
Mixed Barnwood Brown and Gray for Review
Photoset #11192
20 photos
Window Trim Projects
Photoset #10666
15 photos
Weathered Timbers & Mantel, Barnwood Ceiling & Door, Stair Treads & Post - California Winery
Photoset #10556
10 photos
EXAMPLE UNITS: Antique Barnwood Brown Smooth
Photoset #10555
13 photos
EXAMPLE UNITS: Antique Barnwood Brown Rough
Photoset #10396
4 photos
bc# 141391 - 1.5" x 8" Antique Barnwood Brown Rough - 30.00 bf
Photoset #10291
1 photos
Antique Barnwood Smooth (roughly 1/3 gray and 2/3 brown)
Photoset #10163
6 photos
Timbers & Lumber for Approval
Photoset #10162
6 photos
brown wood boards
Photoset #10150
9 photos
Barnwood and Timbers (For Approval)
Photoset #10057
5 photos
EXAMPLE UNITS: 2x12 Antique Barnwood Brown - Tunnel Material
Photoset #9522
2 photos
1x6 Barnwood Brown Rough (split from 2x6) - Customer Order
Photoset #9416
15 photos
3/4" x 7" Pine Shiplap
Photoset #9389
5 photos
Various NatureAged and Antique Barnwood Samples
Photoset #9324
4 photos
Red Painted NatureAged Barnwood, Antique Brown Barnwood, Weathered Timbers - Colorado