Several years ago, Trestlewood's purchaser was going through an old tannery in upstate New York and noticed that the oak had a rich chocolate brown set off by its blonde sapwood. Since that time, Trestlewood has desired to offer a product which exhibited the same deep, rich colors in the oak from the tannery.
After some research into old furniture makers' books, a specially-built fuming chamber and a few false starts, Trestlewood is pleased to announce the availability of Tannery Oak, a new white oak product which is painstakingly cured in Trestlewood's special fuming process to create the rich, Old-World feel of a truly original classic.
Tannery Oak has an original circlesawn texture and is processed prior to running the T&G. The heartwood darkens substantially, while the sapwood remains the color of white oak and provides a stunning contrast to the dark. One of our sales representatives insists on calling this material "walnut oak" because of the unique contrast between the heartwood and the sapwood. |
Trestlewood produces Tannery Oak in batches of around 10,000 bf at a time. The material is edged and run to maximize width and yield. If you are interested in Tannery Oak, please contact your Trestlewood representative for an idea of what widths are currently available or place your own custom order to be produced start-to-finish for you! |
Please consult the Specification Sheet for details concerning the characteristics of Tannery Oak T&G Flooring. Tannery Oak is also available in lumber for stair parts, cabinet material, door parts, etc. Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions!
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