2" Hand-Hewn Skins Siding

One of the products that best captures the essence of Trestlewood's business is Authentic Hand-Hewn Siding. This siding option is beautifully rustic and has all of the history you would expect from a product salvaged from structures built during the settling of our great nation.

Hand-Hewn Skins are hand-hewn on their primary face, showing the original ax marks that were placed there more than a hundred years ago by the settlers who cut the trees to clear the land and to provide solid shelter for themselves and their livestock. Hand-Hewn Skins are mixed species, reflecting the variety of species native to the area in which the settlers' barns and homesteads were built. The colors and characteristics are varied and will lend an authenticity to your project that can be imitated, but not matched.

Hand-Hewn Skins Close-Up / Note the variations and removed metal
Trestlewood removes the metal from Hand-Hewn Sleepers and saws each hand-hewn skin to approximately 2" thick. The widths range from around 8" to around 12" and the lengths are random. The edges are rounded (following the original rounded edges of the sleeper logs from which the skins are cut.) The natural variation in thickness and width of this product adds to its authentic character.
Hand Hewn Skins, Weathered Timbers and Barnwood
Hand-Hewn Skins Siding is most frequently installed on the exterior of a building where the owner wants to create the look of an ancient and authentic log cabin without the headache of a full-thickness log-stack. The product is stunning on mountain cabins with large, overhung wood decks.
Gray Barnwood and 2\
Hand-Hewn Skins complement stone foundation walls superbly. The stone takes the brunt of the snow-pack during the winter, while the hand-hewn skins provide a great color and texture contrast.
Smooth Oak Flooring, Hewn Timbers, Gray Barnwood
Many customers take the Hand-Hewn Skins into the interior as well, providing the rustic log structure look to bring a warm and inviting tone to their space. Used inside or out, the Hand-Hewn Skins are spaced about 1.5 to 2" apart and chinked in between to provide the old chinked log look.

We invite you to visit our online Hand-Hewn Skins Siding and Hand-Hewn Skins pages for more photos, specification sheets and additional information about this unique product line. And please feel free to Contact Us or Email Us if we can be of help with any of your Timber, Barnwood / Lumber, Siding or Flooring needs!

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