Oak Resawn  

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Oak Resawn - Product Info

Trestlewood's Oak Resawn Timbers are a compelling hardwood timber option. These timbers are resawn from Oak Weathered Timbers, Trailblazer Oak Timbers or Hand-Hewn Oak Timbers, making them rustic, beautiful, stable timbers with a past.

You play an important role in determining which weathered timbers should be sawn to produce just the right timbers for your unique project. We generally sell you the weathered Oak timbers you decide are the best fit for your project and then sell you the services to process these timbers as you direct.

Specification Sheet #6100 - Resawn Oak Timbers
SpeciesOak (May be mixed Red and White or all Red or all White Oak).
SourceBarns, buildings and industrial structures from different locations in North America
HC/FOHCResawn Oak timbers are generally HC; usually moderate to very tight growth rings.
MetalNails, bolts and other fasteners are removed to enable the material to be resawn. Trestlewood makes no guarantee that there is no metal left in or broken off inside the beam.
HolesNail, bolt and other fastener holes are allowed; the quantity and size of the holes can vary widely from timber to timber, with some timbers containing no holes or only limited small nail holes and others containing frequent nail and bolt holes. Staining around nail and bolt holes is common.
Mortise Pockets/Notches/HolesResawn Oak timbers may have notches and mortise pockets from their previous use.
Checking/CracksResawn Oak timbers generally have checking from the heart center to the exterior faces of the timber. Some of this checking may be extensive. Checking is out of specification only if it renders the timber unsound (meaning that it may fall apart because of the check.) In addition, timbers can have surface checking and cracks, moderate butt checking and end splitting.
Moisture Content/StabilityResawn Oak Timbers are generally very dry and seasoned and are generally more stable and less prone to shrinkage than are green timbers.
SurfacingBandsawn. Color will vary based on the subspecies and level of staining.
WeightTypically, approximately 4 pounds per board foot
Appearance VariationResawn Oak timbers often come from a variety of sources. As a result, timber characteristics can be expected to vary from piece to piece. Trestlewood believes that appearance variations (no two timbers exactly alike) are one of the selling points of this product line.

Note: Please study specification sheets to familiarize yourself with product characteristics and their possible implications for your application.