Trestlewood's NatureAgedBlend, Antique Weathered Redwood, BrownBlend, ThermalAgedBlend, and other Thins products (hereafter referred to as "Thins") involve a mix/blend of various sources of reclaimed/antique materials and/or materials naturally aged/processed to give them a weathered/aged appearance. Trestlewood products that can be used to produce Thins include, but are not necessarily limited to, any combination of NatureAged Lumber (Specification Sheet #7220), Antique Barnwood Lumber (Spec Sheet #7200), HarborAged Lumber (Spec Sheet #2240), ThermalAged Lumber (Spec Sheet #7230), 3/8"+/- Weathered Picklewood/Other Jackets (Spec Sheet #2241), and various other products/sources. NatureAgedBlend Thins generally primarily come from various strains of NatureAged Lumber (Classic, Gray+, Backside juiced, etc.); they are heavy to gray tones but also include brown tones; small quantities of other sources can be (but don't need to be) included.