Unlimited (this material is not sorted for knot content); some knots are broken, loose or fallen out
Spiegel Catalog Warehouse "Naily" SYP: Regular nail holes; no bolt holes. Nail holes commonly have some stain surrounding the hole.
Industrial walkway planks and other SYP: may have random nail and bolt holes. Nail and bolt holes commonly have some stain surrounding the hole.
Unlimited as long as board is sound; end cracks to extend no more than 6" into board
Percentage Sapwood
Grain Pattern
Standard Dimensions
a) Thickness: 3/4"; b) Width of Spiegel Material: 4.75"; c) Width of other syp: up to 8.25"; d) Length: 2 to 14' with no more than 5% of footage to be less than 4'.
Textures Available
Smooth, Circle-Sawn and As-is weathered.
Appearance Variation
Boards can vary in appearance from piece to piece and even within a piece. The characteristics described on this specification sheet generally apply to each board's featured face. The opposite face and edges can differ from the featured face in texture, coloring, and other characteristics unless otherwise noted.