Sep 14
Does Exterior Uncoated Wood Always Weather Gray?
Some observations and thoughts about the weathering of untreated exterior barnwood...
READ MORE »Some observations and thoughts about the weathering of untreated exterior barnwood...
READ MORE »Take a look at a sampling of Trestlewood barnwood lumber products, before and after sanding.
READ MORE »Trestlewood has recently brought a new facility on line in Brigham City, Utah, to better serve its Wasatch Front and other customers. This facility boasts convenient freeway and Salt Lake City airport access, lots of storage space, a Wood-Mizer band-saw, and hundreds of thousands of board feet of wood.
READ MORE »When we are asked for an "extreme barnwood" or an "ultra rustic barn wood," our first thought is mushroomwood. Mushroom wood is a cool product on several fronts.
READ MORE »Trestlewood makes no representations or warranties whatsoever relative to the accuracy of information included in or referenced by any Trestlewood blog post, whether that information is posted by Trestlewood or others. Any reader/user of Trestlewood blog post information takes full responsibility for independently verifying the accuracy of such information and its applicability to (and implications for) its specific situation.