Reclaimed Greenheart: Beauty, Hard Work and History

Jun 25, 2012

Reclaimed Greenheart


Sometimes a beautiful product becomes even more beautiful when one understands the hard work and history behind it.  Trestlewood's Reclaimed Greenheart is such a product. 


Trestlewood's antique Greenheart has been used in a variety of applications, including T&G flooring, wainscoting, countertops and cabinets


It takes a lot of effort to turn raw reclaimed Greenheart lumber into beautiful finished products.  Consider some of the early stages of the process captured by the following photos (go to Photoset #5844 to see larger versions of these and other Greenheart-demetaling photos):


Greenheart Demetalling - 1   Greenheart Demetalling   Greenheart Demetalling   Greenheart Demetalling   Greenheart Demetalling

Better yet, watch a Trestlewood YouTube video of the Greenheart demetaling process.


To really ratchet up the Greenheart cool factor, let's throw in some history.  Who would have thought that Greenheart has ties to Ernest Shackleton and his ill-fated 1914 voyage to Antarctica; the Panama Canal and the Liverpool docks; and a diary entry of the famous English novelist George Orwell?


All of this and more Greenheart information is included in Trestlewood's recent "Reclaimed Greenheart" email update.  If you are not already signed up to receive Trestlewood's free email updates (sent no more than once or twice a month), you can sign up easily here.


John S. Cannon  Jun 28, 2012

Kim - We believe that the Greenheart would hold up very well in an exterior deck application. In fact, it would probably think it was living a life of leisure after its prior life as railroad boxcar flooring (note that greenheart is also often used in building ships and docks.) Pricing depends on product form, quantity, etc. - we will have a salesperson follow up with you.

kim marks  Jun 27, 2012

Hi Guys, thanks for the info on the greenwood. I have a question. How would it hold up on an exterior deck situation. The deck is covered but being it's in Park City it would take the brunt of the winters and summer sun here... any thoughts? How much a sq. foot? Thanks Kim

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